
Speed Session
11:30 AM11:30

Speed Session

  • Robert Indiana's "LOVE" (sculpture) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

You've heard all about "speed dating"... You sit across from a person and talk for 5-15 minutes? Well think about it in terms of a photo session!

Get your family, spouse, significant other, children, four legged friends and head to Downtown Scottsdale for a day of Speed Sessions! I've chosen the perfect location for this session! The LOVE sign in Old Town. (Each event will host a new unique spot to the valley)

Dress for the shoot, first come first serve basis. Each group will get 20 minutes of shooting! So if you've been wanting a couple of new family photos, or you've been looking for a new photographer, this is the perfect way to get both (and hopefully come back for more). 

Cost: $40 per group

5% Discount for anyone who shares this post on facebook! Complete the contact form with subject as "Speed Session". See you there! 

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