There I was. Sitting at my desk, getting ready to take the first sip of my coffee. My computer was starting up, I was checking my notes from the previous day to find my place in my work. My email opened, then the system I record everything with. I looked out the window and noticed we were about to get a crazy storm. All I could think about, was how I wished I was outside, watching the clouds roll in. Lightning strikes and thunder follows shortly after, sending chills up my spine. A moment everyone has experienced when they sense this one will be a BIG storm.
I got up from my desk, abandoning my fresh cup of coffee. I took my phone and got on the elevator and made my way downstairs to get a front row seat to the show. I couldn't stand sitting at my desk anymore. I knew this was a fleeting moment. I had to capture it before it was gone.
What you are meant to do will come to you in the blink of an eye, all at once. In that moment, you just know this is what will make me truly happy the rest of my life. This is my calling. Find your passion. Don't be afraid to jump into the storm, for it too shall calm.